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Signs along the Questa History Trail

From Paleo Indian peoples, to Spanish explorers, German, French, and Spanish settlers, plus some unexpected families – our village was begun over and over again. Find out why.
This area was a through road for Native Americans for thousands of years. It’s a rich history, one our landmarks help to tell.
Geologic features explain so much of Questa’s history. Archeology and family stories bring this visible site to life.
A dramatic collapse of the Church’s north wall in 2008 and the heroic, years-long restoration put a cap to a timeline that began under the Spanish crown.
It’s an Arabic word. Was it only an Arabic practice? Explore this original system to govern the common use of precious water here in the high desert.
How was religion honored here without a priest, for a hundred years? And how does this historic site reflect the impact of the 1918 flu pandemic.
Geology, a cultural easement, and archaic language of the Iberian Peninsula all lie behind this visible hillside scar.
Did World War I impact the future of Questa? Yes, dramatically. Mining here is a complex story of innovation, environmental damage, and renewal.